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2022 Year in Review

Implementing the National Agenda for Software Engineering

The SEI-led study Architecting the Future of Software Engineering: A National Agenda for Software Engineering Research & Development laid out a multiyear roadmap for engineering next-generation software-reliant systems. The SEI is leading technical engagements with the software engineering community to realize the roadmap’s vision.

One of the roadmap’s six focus areas, Assuring Continuously Evolving Software Systems, received support from the Federal Aviation Administration and Vanderbilt University in August 2022 when they and the SEI convened the Assurance Evidence for Continuously Evolving Real-Time Systems Workshop.

“The workshop gathered leading researchers, developers, and certifiers from across the industry, the Defense Department, and academia to work on two key issues in software assurance,” said Dionisio de Niz, the SEI’s technical director of assuring cyber-physical systems. “First, how can we automate the development and evaluation of assurance arguments to convince an oversight authority that a system is ready for fielding, using advances in formal methods to speed up the process, and how can we assure and reassure systems that include new algorithms or hardware, such as multicore processors?”

More technical engagements around the National Agenda for Software Engineering R&D are planned for 2023.

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